Hello guys, we were back to share with all of you once again in our beloved blog. We want to share about our dream job. All of us must have our own dream job since we were young right? So let’s us talk about our dream job. Hello, I’m Absyar Ilyanie and I also has my own dream job. My dream job is being a forensic accountant. This is because I’m likes a job like a detective. How I want to achieve my dream job? That was a good question that everyone have to ask ourselves. First at all of course I need to get an excellent pointer in my diploma. How to get an excellent pointer? Yes, I need to study hard and study smart since semester 1 and score every semester. Okay back to the main topic, my dream job. All of you must curious about forensic accountant right? Forensic accountant basically need us to combine our accounting knowledge with investigative skills in various litigation support and investigative accounting setting. Forensic accou...