Our second week of lecture began with our first class, Public Speaking (MPU2233) teaching by Madam Nurhidayah Binti Noreezan who was also be our mentor. We started our class with an ice breaking session. From that, we knew each other in AA1A class. She remain us not be too nervous when we faced the public. In that session, she also told about our course cost for one semester and overall.
    Then for the Malaysia Education 2 (MPU2163), the lecturer assigned to teach us was MR Saiful Nizar Bin Sobri. Even though he was a decisive person but he was a very kind lecturer. He told us about Malaysia Education 2 syllabus. He teaches us to be more independent because we need to find out everything by our own and explained it at our classmates. We taught we will stopped learned about Malaysia’s history at our secondary school but unfortunately we were meant to be together.
    The other subject on the next day was fundamental of management (PMG1123) teaches by Mr Rushezat Bin Rusle. He asked us to call him Sir Jad. He was a serious lecturer, but he also a funny person. He also created “Perut Saya Besar” song for the punishment for those who did not complete his tasks. He said that fundamental of management was a killer subject and there are some students from the past were failed in that subject.
    The next subject was our favorite subject, Business Mathematic (TBM1063). The lecturer assigned to teach was Madam Basyaroh . The syllabus was quite easy because it was our mathematic and additional mathematic at secondary school. The first topics that we learned were percent, ration and so on. She told us that we will take our first quiz on the next week.
    Next, the Principles of Financial Accounting (PFA1123) subject. Madam Rohin was assigned to teach us this killer subject. Madam Rohin was so kind and funny lecturer. We began our (PFA1123) class with an ice breaking session. She want to know if we had some basic in accounting subject. All of us were enjoyed our Principles of Financial Accounting classes.
    Last but not least, also our favorite subject (HPE1043) proficiency English. Madam Hamizah Binti Hamzah was assigned to teach AA1A class. For the first time we saw her, she was very cute and soft spoken lecturer. Even though she was soft spoken lecturer, but she has her own personalities as a good lecturer. She make some rules such as we can cannot go late to her class for 10 minutes. We were warned by madam that we cannot play our phone during her class. We also not allowed to speak in Malay if we speak in Malay, she charges us 10 cent for every single word that come out from our mouth. We were enjoyed our class during HPE1043 class.


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