Everyone made mistakes and everyone! OK everyone not only one or what had been given a chance to redeem their mistakes. Awal Muharram is the day that marks the beginning of a new Islamic calender yearAs the humans we never can ran from ourselves mistakes. So all of us should be given an another chance. Same likes other, we also had many mistakes that we made since we were a kid. On Awal Muharram, basically every Muslims will redeem their sins and do as much as the worship such as give charity, prays and so on. There are some things that all of the Muslims will do on Awal Muharram. For the example, fasting. Muslims can fasting the day before 1 Muharram and on the 1 Muharram. Not only that, all the Muslims will reads the prayer of the year and the end of the year. Another things that all the Muslims will do are recite the Al-Quran and Zikr. For your information, i the Awal Muharram there are a day called Hari Assyura. I do not know so much about this day but the main point wha...